Bultin was founded in 2015 by siblings Glenn and Sylvie Buydaert.
Their first product was the BUL. lamp: an atmospheric carbon filament lamp in a coloured steel tube on a concrete base. Its luminous design was an immediate success. In the meantime, the BUL. fixture has been standardised to three different heights, always available in a wide range of colours. But bultin also makes tailor-made designs. Adaptations can be made, for example, to the height or colour of the fixture or the concrete base in accordance with the wishes of the client or (interior) architect.
The further exploration of material options resulted in the BEN., a bench supported by a coloured steel frame as well. With the introduction of the SOL. vases, bultin. took the first step towards a series of decorative objects. The polycarbonate design is now available in eight different colours and two sizes. In collaboration with Hullebusch, a natural stone specialist from Ardooie, three characterful, graceful materials have now been added.